
Harald Lukosz

Referent Product Area Stage R&D, Bosch Rexroth AG

Harald Lukosz beschäftigt sich bereits seit über 30 Jahren mit künstlicher Intelligenz, lange bevor es zum allumfassenden Modebegriff wurde und Pseudophilosophen zu Stellungnahmen reizte. Doch gerade deshalb sagt er:
"Digitalisierung ist dann erfolgreich, wenn alle im Unternehmen Beteiligten offen zusammenarbeiten."


Bosch Rexroth AG

Changing scenes on the theatre, production lines that automatically adapt to new products in the factory of the future, always sufficient power for moving slice gates that weigh several metric tons and mobile machines for narrow forest trails or the largest construction sites in the world: Creating movement is our driving force. As a global partner, Bosch Rexroth supports mechanical and plant engineering challenges around the world with its cutting-edge technology and unique industry knowledge. More than 32,300 employees worldwide work on safe, efficient, intelligent and powerful solutions. For example, they help in the economical production of small batch sizes, or save energy while simultaneously raising productivity. With our cross-technology portfolio, digital services and comprehensive service, we are your partner for machines and plants. WE MOVE. YOU WIN.